Project Inspire

New London Project Inspire is the community outreach and engagement program for Infinite Possibilities Public Art monument at Ocean Beach Park.

This after school art enrichment program was created to connect the community in the City of New London with the cultural heritage of the city as well as involve the citizens with every stage of the Infinite Possibilities monumental sculpture project. To do this we designed an after school art program for middle school aged children and then drew their families in by having events  down at the future site of the sculpture on Ocean Beach. We plan to run a Soring session again in 2035 during which we will do a city wide outreach effort .

It is both a symbol & concept

It has no beginning, it has no end, it is everlasting representing a limitless something that will go on forever and speaks forever. It hints at perpetuity and suggests an unending nature transcending time and space.

The program is run by volunteer professionals artists from Connecticut.